🖥 Terminal

  • asdf - Nvm, tfenv, pyenv and more "in one tool".
  • awscurl - curl-like access to AWS resources with AWS Signature Version 4 request signing.
  • zoxide - A smarter cd command.
  • tldr - Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands.
  • Catppuccin Theme - Favorite theme for everything.
  • fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder.
  • httpie - Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era.
  • NeoVim - Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor, extended using various plugins.
  • fish shell - My default shell.
  • jq - Command-line JSON processor.
  • Berkeley Mono Typeface - Favorite monospaced font for the terminal and text editing.

💻 macOS Apps

  • Swish - The missing gesture layer for macOS.
  • AirBuddy - Open your AirPods case next to your Mac to see the status right away, just like it works on your iPhone or iPad.
  • rcmd - Reimagined Command-Tab.